5 Best Ways to Increase Conversions on Your Insurance Website


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5 Best Ways to Increase Conversions on Your Insurance Website

Image depicting the letters "C", "R", and "O", focused on conversion rate optimization.

If your conversion rate could use some improvement and it takes you hundreds, maybe thousands of visitors to convert a single customer- this is the article for you.

CRO or conversation rate optimization is essential these days, and if you are not currently focusing on it, you are behind the curve.

Everyone has a website today, and many have multiple sites. However, having a site is only half the battle. The other half makes your site enjoyable and easy to visit.

Just as everyone has a website, everyone has visitors; however, turning those visitors into satisfied customers is a tall order. CRO, SEO, or search engine optimization are such hot topics that you can’t even open YouTube without being pushed an SEO guru ad.

This broader societal focus on SEO and CRO will remain hot, with Web 3 just over the horizon.

Focusing on improving your conversion rate instead of strictly focusing on organic and paid traffic is more affordable and quicker.

We should address a few items before getting into the topic because presenting a website to an audience is a significant responsibility.

  • With a great website comes great responsibility.
  • That means you must review everything before you allow your site to go live with a fine-tooth comb.
  • Read your content in reverse to catch any typos.


1. Utilize Heat Mapping

First and foremost, you need to track your users’ behavior. You need to know what your visitors are doing on your site. Additionally, you need to be able to measure the time visitors spend on your site. It would be best to track user behavior to identify issues.

If you are unfamiliar with heat mapping, here is a brief explanation:


  • Heat mapping is the graphical representation of data that uses colors to symbolize value differences.


This technology has been around for longer than you might think. Essentially, heat mapping tracks a website visitor’s mouse or eye movement. Heatmaps compile all your visitor’s actions and display where most of the time was spent.

Heatmaps allow web developers to identify the most and least engaging elements.

You can learn the best tools for heat mapping here.

2. Optimize Your Content

Please do not make assumptions about your website’s content; it’s a trap far too many rookies fall into.

When writing copy for your website, keep it short and sweet. Utilize headline benefits and keep your paragraphs brief. That means 3-4 sentences max for any section. The same rules apply to blog writing.

Keep your keyword usage to a minimum and balance broad and narrow keywords. Also, do your best to keep your writing at 7th-grade level reading.

Content should be reviewed yearly or before you drive considerable traffic to a particular page.

3. Add Video Content

Video content will add tremendous value to your website. If you have a YouTube channel, you should drive traffic to that channel from your website. However, you should also feature your video content on your website.

According to a Renderforest survey, 83% of marketers say that video content helps to generate more leads. That’s not all; 74% of businesses claim that videos on social media platforms attract the most engagement.

Integrate videos onto your website if you are looking for a sure-fire solution to improve your website’s conversion rate.

Before integrating video content on your sites, take the time to optimize your photography and page layout.

4. Integrate Customer Reviews

First, if you are not yet familiar with the concept of Social Proof, we should take the time to review the topic.

Dr. Robert Cialdini first theorized the concept of Social Proof. Cialdini believed that society looks at the actions of others to interpret how they should behave in any given situation. His years of research have repeatedly found that people are suggestible to external social forces.

Cialdini has gone so far as to claim that no element of social proof should ever be trusted because social proof works.

Establishing easily consumable social proof on your website is essential to improving your conversion rate. Companies like Amazon greatly prioritize social evidence with their customer review section and user capabilities.

At Amazon, they incentivize customers to participate in social proofing. They also offer a “Verified Purchase” badge to inspire greater credibility within a review.

You do not need to provide your visitors with a badge unless you want one, but you need to develop and promote some testimonials or product reviews. It is obviously up to you where you present your social proof element. However, we recommend integrating that element onto your home page. Make it look like many people are using your product.

5. Incentivize signing up for an email list

Email marketing is a must-have for any insurance company; email marketing is the premier modern marketing tactic.

This is why developing a clean email list is critical. But how do you get people to sign up for your emails? And how do you keep an email list clean?

You provide free services such as newsletters, nurturing emails, and promotions. This is your call to action for converting visitors to leads.

Each visitor should find their way to your email signup form. If you are not entirely sold on the importance of email signup forms, here is an example of 20 well-crafted email signup forms.

You keep an email list by regularly removing emails that bounce. This is a practice that can not be overlooked.

CRO is a never-ending and evolving endeavor. Suppose you are selling a product that a customer purchases more than once. In that case, you need to be doing everything possible to acquire that initial conversation, even if that means sacrificing on your first purchase.






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