Funeral Home/Preneed Leads | Lead Concepts


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Contact Us to Order Funeral Home/Preneed Leads
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Are you looking to expand your funeral home’s reach through preneed funeral insurance? You can market your company through Lead Concepts with more than a generic mailer. Our customizable strategy to obtain funeral home and burial leads lets you determine precisely what you need for your business. Lead Concepts offers budget-friendly seminar mailers, surveys, open house invitations, coupons, and more to obtain the best leads for your business.

You can order funeral home leads in bulk order. We ensure that we complete the mailing over a set amount of time to accumulate mass coverage and consistency. Doing so keeps responses fresh and manageable so that you become a top preneed provider or your funeral home becomes desirable for those who need your services.

We can assist you by reaching harder-to-reach clients through our funeral home preneed leads. Preneed customers are not as directly in the market as at-need customers. However, this does not make preneed funeral plans any less critical. Reaching these customers in their pre-planning stage allows you to emphasize the need for preneed burial insurance for funeral costs, final expenses, and an established death benefit. Not to mention, preneed funeral arrangements offer a lot of opportunities. Whether your funeral home is independent or a larger entity, these qualified leads are not something you will want to pass up.

Final Expenses flower and casket

Expand your client base through a wider outreach. Lead Concepts can make sure your message is tailored to those areas of business you wish to expand upon and reach out to those in need of your services, whether you are looking to increase your marketability in preneed or at-need.

Lead Concepts assures that you won’t be stuck with stale leads that are inactive or unqualified. We ensure that we provide clients with the best funeral home leads available so that you can sell preneed funeral insurance to those who need it. This ensures value in our services and an increase in sales for your company.

Order Funeral/Preneed Leads

From the Editor: “The Best Leads for my Business:”

When a customer represents his or herself as a qualified lead, this means the customer has completely expressed both interest in your company, and knowledge of what your company represents. This could mean the customer is knowledgeable about insurance plans or is knowledgeable about your company’s core values and goals. This customer is also ready to make a purchase with your company. Qualified leads are important because a good portion of customers are returning customers. If you have established trust with your qualified lead, it is likely that she will become a customer of yours again or could become an advocate for your company.

Does your community know you? 

Your prospects are evolving, and consumers expect trustworthy brands that meet higher standards. In response, funeral homes must adapt. Seminars are an excellent way to build trust and strengthen your brand. Hosting an educational event gives you the time and space to engage prospects, offer valuable information, and gently close the sale. 

If some prospects cancel or don’t show up for your event, don’t worry — we capture their information for follow-up as a warm lead! 

Seminar Mailing Strategies 

Lead Concepts’ direct-mail marketing campaigns are customized to fit your funeral home’s brand and the subject matter of your event. We specialize in seminars focused on funeral planning and related topics. Additionally, we provide mailing lists, social media marketing, reservation hotlines, confirmation calls, and reminders leading up to your event. 

We also offer a digital lead generation add-on to help you reach potential attendees across multiple channels and supplement your mail campaign. 



Seminar Best Practices 

Maximize attendance with these tips drawn from over 30 years of experience: 

  • Host seminars on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM 
  • Provide dinners, not lunches 
  • If hosting at a venue without food (such as a VFW hall or library), include a small gift card or giveaway 
  • Utilize digital ads alongside your direct mail 
  • Maximize your results by using our Reservation Service Seminar Link 
  • Plan your seminar 4 weeks in advance. We recommend mailing at least 2,000 names for one location, 4,000 for two locations, and 5,000+ mailers for three locations. 

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