Medicare Leads | Lead Concepts


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Exclusive Medicare Leads

Insurance agent closing a sale with a potential client.
Contact Us to Order Medicare Leads
Senior Cpuple looking for medicare


Lead Concepts offers exclusive Medicare leads, including Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements, and Medicare T65. After over 30 years of experience in the direct mail industry, we consider ourselves the best at providing healthcare leads. Lead Concepts has maximized its marketing services by staying informed, adjusting our campaigns, and employing continuous research efforts.

There are many opportunities for agents in the Medicare market as Baby Boomers age into the eligibility requirements. Due to the large population of Baby Boomers in America, around 10 thousand people become eligible for Medicare services daily. We have the knowledge and capability to hyper-focus on customers eligible for specific plans you are interested in selling.

From DSNPs to Medicare, We Understand Your Client Base

We can estimate whether they would be more interested in a specific plan, such as Medicare Advantage HMO vs. PPO. We can specify your audience because we have partnered with the most reputable data brokers in the industry.

Our expertise allows us to gather high-intent leads for our clients. We also help our clients increase their response rates and offer real-time results.

Medicare Leads Are Abundant

Fortunately, this allows insurance agents to get leads from experts like us.  Lead Concepts is here to provide the best marketing assets with consistency and care. We can publish campaigns for Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), newly eligible prospects, D-SNP, and other products.

When providing leads for agents, we ensure the leads that agents and brokers receive are of the highest intent and most effortless to convert. We reach people who need your assistance with their healthcare.

We ensure every customer receives high-quality leads by reaching people genuinely interested in obtaining health insurance (specifically Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, or Medicare T65). Additionally, we help our clients take the first step in their sales processes by picking the best prospective customers and designing the most attention-earning mailers.


Ordering Medicare Leads

Staying Up-to-Date

The Medicare industry is constantly changing. With new rules and regulations announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the FCC, it can be challenging for agents and brokers to stay on track. However, to have a successful marketing campaign, it is crucial that the advertisements you send comply with CMS regulations. It’s simple: if your lead generation strategy is not compliant, you will not receive leads.

We Know The Industry


Therefore, our team works to stay up-to-date on new announcements and rule changes within the industry. This ensures that your mail is always within the guidelines. Lead Concepts gives clients the tools to concentrate on working with their customers rather than answering complaints from CMS and other regulators. Additionally, although we do not budge regarding Medicare rules and policies, we constantly find new and creative ways to get more Medicare leads in your inbox. Order medicare leads

Enrollment Periods

We know enrollment periods can be confusing, especially regarding CMS guidelines. Thankfully, we know exactly what’s allowed during each enrollment period, allowing you to take full advantage of the available resources based on your marketing strategy. Contact us to learn more about Medicare enrollment periods.

From the Editor: “How to Prepare for AEP

“Here is how the MCMG defines marketing intent and content…

Intent –

the purpose of marketing activities and materials is to draw a prospective or current enrollee’s attention to a plan or group of plans to influence a beneficiary’s decision when selecting and enrolling in a plan or deciding to stay in a plan (retention-based marketing).

Content –

based on the exclusions in the definition of marketing and marketing materials and the type of information that would be intended to draw attention to a plan or influence a beneficiary’s enrollment decision, marketing activities and materials include:

  • Information about benefits or benefit structure
  • Information about premiums and cost sharing
  • Comparisons to other Plan(s)/Part D sponsor(s)
  • Rankings or measurements in reference to other Plan(s)/Part D sponsor(s)
  • Information about Star Ratings

In other words, advertisements for Medicare will be more vague before Oct. 1. However, there are also guidelines for the marketing period of AEP. For example, the MCMG states that marketing materials must state which plan year is being discussed in the ad (although current and prospective years can be marketed simultaneously), and brokers can only market their plans to eligible beneficiaries for valid enrollment.”

An image of a Medicare Enrollment form.

Agent selling final expense insurance to a senior couple.

Dual-eligible Special Needs Plans or D-SNP

Dual-eligible Special Needs Plans are for people who qualify for Medicare and Medicaid and need additional help with health-related expenses. Although ultimately determined by the state, D-SNP benefits usually include low or no-cost premiums, vision and hearing benefits, over-the-counter benefits, gym memberships, and transportation to and from medical appointments. There are many reasons a Medicare agent may be interested in targeting D-SNP-eligible seniors in their sales ventures. One reason is the possibility of helping seniors in need by selling them D-SNPs, ultimately improving their quality of life.

However, there are also misconceptions about the industry that may turn away specific agents. Lead Concepts has aided agents with their D-SNP sales for decades. Therefore, we have become experts on the tactics needed to connect agents with customers who want to sell D-SNP policies. D-SNP marketing is slightly easier than marketing for regular health insurance because the prospective customer does not have to pay for your services, and his or her plan usually comes at extremely low premiums.

From the Editor: “3 Mistakes Medicare Agents Make When Selling D-SNP’s

1. Agents Do Not Properly Qualify Clients.

Agents do not want to sell D-SNPs because it is difficult to find out if clients are eligible without asking probing questions that may deter the client. Eligibility is crucial in the market of D-SNPs. That being said, it is equally important for agents to be attentive and reassuring to the client. D-SNPs are likely to improve the client’s quality of life, yet many Americans are unaware they qualify. When the time comes to ask probing, slightly uncomfortable questions, the agent should remember that this plan will ultimately improve the life of whoever they speak with. The conversation is temporary, but improving the lives of your community’s elders is unmeasurable.

It may be helpful to consider this work a necessary community service rather than a sale. It is important to discover your clients’ needs to pick the best possible plan for them, as well as explain the far-reaching benefits. Here are a few questions to ask to determine whether your client is eligible for a D-SNP plan:

  • What is your income month-by-month?
  • May I see your Medicaid card?
  • How much do you pay for Medicare Part B?
  • How much money do your prescriptions cost?
  • What are the Medicaid eligibility categories?”

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