Questions About Lead Generation You Should be Asking | Lead Concepts


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Questions About Lead Generation You Should be Asking

Group of Lead Concepts Employees discussing direct mail lead generation.

If you’re familiar with Lead Concepts, then you’re familiar with lead generation. And if you’re familiar with lead generation, then you’re (hopefully) familiar with Lead Concepts. It is an essential factor to every business, but it’s especially important to the insurance industry because it’s a vital way insurance agents receive potential clients.

If your business is relatively new and it is something you’re still getting to know, there are a couple of things you’ll want to know. We’ve already outlined some questions you should expect from your leads, but now we’re providing some questions that help you understand what it is and how it relates to your company.


1. What is Lead Generation?

Let’s start this article by understanding lead generation. Without knowing its function, you won’t be able to ask any other questions. It is the first step in the customer-initiation process. In other words, it’s gathering interested customers to learn more about your business and its products or services.

Lead generation is used in many businesses beyond the insurance industry. It’s used by contractors, educators, nonprofit organizations, and others, meaning many people utilize it.

Now, let’s get into some of the more challenging questions.


2. Does Lead Generation Help Sales or Marketing?

The truth is, it helps both! It positively impacts your agency’s sales teams and insurance agents because they are the ones who are receiving the leads to work with, and they are the ones who could turn those leads into clients. Although the effects of lead generation directly benefit the sales teams you work with, your marketing team(s) will also be reaping the benefits. That’s because the marketing team gains consumer knowledge based on the leads’ response patterns, topical trends, product demand, and more.

Both teams must benefit from lead generation because it can help them understand how to stand out from the competition by better understanding their consumers. It will also help them stay ahead of changing trends and how to manage them.


3. How Could Lead Generation Help Me?

In short, lead generation aims to get your company business. But there are so many other ways in which it can help you. Returning to our previous point about how it can help your sales and marketing teams, it also aids the growth of your overall business. Depending on how you utilize it, there are many ways in which it can help you stand out among your competitors. For example, a benefit of working with Lead Concepts is that your leads are completely exclusive to you.

This means your competitors will not receive the same leads you are. No one will be.

Another way in which lead generation can help you is through its ability to boost your revenue. That may sound like a long shot to some, but trust us, this practice wouldn’t be around for so long if it weren’t true. That’s because lead generation done correctly will allow you to reach multiple markets and audiences, increasing your brand’s awareness and utility. Lead generation will help you reach many people and ultimately receive more promising leads and clients.

A third—and major—benefit of lead generation is that it allows insurance agents to focus on what matters—their clients. How? It reduces the need to send emails or cold-calling residents to earn their business. With lead generation, these prospective clients come to you, meaning the time you save on calling or emailing can go toward the great leads you’re getting or your current clients.


4. Why is Lead Gen a Popular Tool?

Those familiar with lead generation understand that it’s an increasingly popular tool. But why is that so? For starters, it’s a more inexpensive marketing option than others, like billboards, commercials, print advertisements, and more. Not to mention, those who use it tend to see direct results in less time than other forms of marketing. That’s because the advertising is targeted toward your specified audience and, as a result, is sent directly to them.

Another reason why lead generation is such a popular tool is because it’s a surefire way to generate brand awareness and consumer interest. Returning to our previous point, it directly communicates with your target audience. Additionally, it can generate earned media, which is where word-of-mouth advertising is typical. But why? The idea that your newfound leads and clients will share your information with others who are also interested is high. That’s because this form of marketing is tailored to a specific market that will likely utilize your services.

A third reason lead generation is such a popular tool is that it offers much room for customization, which is important to any person or business looking to send out specific messages. Depending on the medium you use for your lead generation, you can customize it based on color, font, field, title, and more.


5. How Do I Know Lead Generation is Working?

Lead generation is constantly changing, but determining whether it’s paying off will tend to be a consistent pattern that you can rely on. The easiest way to determine whether your efforts genuinely work is to monitor how many leads you get. Monitor your leads on a short-term basis, meaning your daily or weekly leads gathered, as well as on a long-term basis, meaning your monthly or yearly leads gathered. Then, compare these numbers to those you’ve garnered in previous years to see whether your efforts are working.

You can also tell that lead generation works if you have a newfound understanding of your market. Maybe you initially thought your target audience was limited to one age group but have found many responses in another age group. You may also notice new purchase patterns within your market that you initially did not see as trends.

Another way you can tell if lead generation is working is by asking yourself how your clients and leads got to speak or meet with you. Did they find you through your direct mail or digital efforts, or did you contact them first? This consumer behavior will let you know if your lead generation tactics have been working or if contacting someone directly (like you have been doing with emails and cold calling) is still the better way to get new clients.


6. What Are The Popular Types of Lead Gen Services?

The short answer is that many popular types of lead generation services exist. There are so many lead generation services, so don’t be surprised if you soon ask, “What isn’t lead generation?” Your business can utilize this practice in many ways, from search engine optimization (SEO) to pay-per-click, e-books, and blogging advertisements.

You may be using lead generation without even knowing it. Take social media for an example. You’re targeting an audience by following specific people, writing content targeted toward those people, and using hashtags that that audience is likely to click.

If you decide to take up lead generation alone, you’ll have to find a unique way to do it solely because so many services fall under the category. We suggest trying offline efforts, like networking, hosting/sponsoring events, radio advertisements, etc.


The importance of asking the hard questions

It’s vital to understand lead generation before you use it, just like any service you’re enlisting. The quality of your leads is something you have to assess with every practice, and lead generation should not be an exception. Asking questions about lead generation will prevent you from walking into the practice with a blind eye and help you navigate (and expect) any trends or industry changes.

It’s also important to ask hard questions because they will help you know the company you’re potentially working with, whether you’re enacting business-to-business or business-to-consumer marketing. How these companies answer your questions will give you insight into their offers, guarantees, and follow-throughs. You want to feel comfortable with the lead generation company you’re working with, so don’t hold yourself back when asking questions.



If you think lead generation isn’t for you, you might be surprised to see how much it can help you and your business gain clients. Many insurance companies have made it a tried-and-true business move despite how confusing it may seem. We suggest continuing to ask questions about lead generation and further exploring its benefits. And as soon as you’re ready, so are we.

Lead Concepts specializes in lead generation in the insurance industry, and we’re ready to help you in any way we can. Our leads are high quality, competitively priced, and exclusive to you, so don’t hesitate to contact us today.

For more information, visit Lead Concepts’ blogs. To speak with our world-class lead experts, visit our website or call us today at 800-283-0187.


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